It’s the people that make a place, however beautiful it might naturally be. Here is the team that makes Farm Hill what it is. We have deep expertise in education and autism. We are passionate about being teachers as well as learners, in the classroom, kitchen and the farm. We love living at farm hill!
Bhargavi is an accomplished designer and artist. She works with the primary and pre-primary classes teaching art.
Bhavithra is an experienced therapist and educator. She is a sportswoman, with a masters degree in Psychology. She takes great interest in designing and implementing a skills curriculum that integrates academics and life skills for neurodiverse learners. She also makes wonderful videos of their work - You can see the interesting and endearing videos on FH instagram page!
Chandu is a powerhouse of energy and enthusiasm. He works with the autism group, he is also the go to person for treks and sports. He is the official photographer and a knowledge resource for everything to do with photos, videos, editing and social media. He is fond of taking time off periodically to travel, connecting farm hill to various networks in the process. Chandu has a masters degree in psychology. He wants to travel the world and we are all for that!
Chitra is excited about bringing together Autism and nature, ABA therapy and the broader teaching - learning practice. She is a Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst, and has about a decade of personal and professional experience working in the autism and teaching space. She brings the various aspects of Farm Hill together, participating in everything and guiding everyone and generally ensuring the team is good and working well.
At Farm Hill, we used brick, stone and earth to build most of the spaces. Ganesan is the master mason instrumental in planning and building them. In addition to building, he takes care of all the infrastructure and facilities at Farm Hill. He is an enthusiastic craftsman and the community learns a lot from him.
Geethika is a natural at Farm Hill, having grown up in an alternative learning space herself. She works with the primary group, runs the gardening and craft classes, and manages the kitchen and the stores. She holds together the day-to-day community functioning and is very skilled with her hands.
Guru has been passionately involved in the fields of farming, gardening and coaching for several years. As the gardening coach, he conducts classes for children, supervises their work in the garden, as well as takes care of the farm we all live on. His expertise and calmness are both qualities to learn from.
Nandana brings a fresh, thoughtful approach to everything she does. She assists in English, History and Math classes, ensuring students understand everything and do a good job of follow up work. High school also looks forward much to her frisbee sessions. She has a bachelors degree in Philosophy from APU and is also pursuing Library Educators course.
Nishanth is as comfortable kicking around ideas, as he is with footballs. He brings equal enthusiasm to science classes and morning exercise sessions. He loves food, can make a mean rasam, and desserts are his favorite course. He has a Bachelors degree in education and Biology from APU. He is also the default driver on long drives!
Praveena is a parent and an enthusiastic teacher/learner focused on mathematics. She has a degree in Engineering and a diploma in early childhood education from APU. Her constant curiosity and willingness to keep learning are assets to herself and the team.
Risha is a graduate of Azim Premji University, with a bachelors in Biology and Education. She teaches English and Hindi to primary classes and also works with autism group. Behind the quietness, she is a keen observer, with sharp sense of right and wrong, and she is an activist to boot!
Sireesha is a seasoned parent. She is meticulous and punctual, which makes her a great choice to run the kitchen and keep the accounts. Her irrepressible spirit and readiness to pitch in for anything, make her a valuable member of the team!
Venu loves reading and talking to people. Most times, you will find him in conversations, where he can hold forth on a variety of topics, or reading in his study. During school times, he just changes the topics of conversation to Math, English or Economics. He has a couple of decades of experience in teaching, mentoring and management. He enjoys reading, writing, posting pictures of everything to facebook/instagram and walking around, looking at the plants.
Want to be part of the awesomeness?
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